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Home » News » What is deduplication?
What is deduplication?
26 окт

What is deduplication?

Deduplication - search and processing (deletion, merging) of duplicate data in the database. It is possible to find all possible duplicates only after preliminary processing of a DB (reduction to uniform writing, elimination of errors, etc.).

The positive aspects of deduplication as a process include the following points:
✅ High efficiency. According to research, the process of data deduplication can reduce the need for storage capacity by 10-30 times.
✅ Profitability of application with low network bandwidth. This is due to the transfer of exclusively unique data.
✅ The ability to create backups more often and keep backup copies of data longer.
✅ Avoiding illegal data manipulation by company employees working directly with clients and contracts.
✅ Optimizing the cost of communication with customers and eliminating the possibility of an “erroneous” contact.
✅ Efficient use of storage space.
✅ Optimization of logistics costs.
✅ Optimizing the cost of communication with customers and eliminating the possibility of erroneous contact.
✅ Profitability of application with low network bandwidth, which is due to the transfer of exclusively unique data.

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